We have launched, we are rocking and rolling!!

When you buy and sell on The Craft Marketplace, you are supporting.

  • A person
  • A family
  • A small business
  • Our economy

And when buying, you are purchasing a small part of an artist’s heart!

Just a bit of housekeeping, an image on your shop front, even if it is just a photo of one of your products, (it doesn’t have to be a fancy logo) is going to be a lot more inviting than our shadowy grey man. Click here 

Please pick a category for your items, this will make it easier for buyers to search, we have spent some time cleaning up an overflow in ‘uncategorised’.

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so we will be doing some advertising for this event, be prepared!

Thank you all for being on board and making our journey so enjoyable.

Heather and Kaeli.

Banner for New Website launched for The Craft Marketplace

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