#artisansday #thecraftmarketplace

International Artisan Day

April 18th is celebrated globally as International Artisan Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the incredible work of artisans worldwide. These skilled individuals pour their creativity and passion…

Handmade Gifts NZ

Why Handmade Gifts Are the Best

In a world inundated with mass-produced goods and generic presents, there's something truly special about giving and receiving handmade gifts. Whether it's a knitted scarf, a hand-painted mug, or a…

Happy Crafty Valentines!

Valentines Day is upon us!

For all your valentines out there, we have heaps of gifts for you to choose from!  Remember, “Happy spouse Happy house”. This year so far has been very rewarding with…

The Craft Marketplace - February blog image of paper hearts

A brand New Year of crafts!

Dear Artisans, Crafters, Vendors, and Buyers,   Wishing you a Happy New Year! We trust you had a delightful Christmas and New Year, taking a well-deserved break and generating a…

Christmas shopping online

Christmas gifts galore online

“Wrap Up Christmas with Local Cheer! Christmas at The Craft Marketplace isn’t just about gifts; it’s about spreading joy in our local community. Every purchase here is a merry boost…

Christmas shopping at The Craft Marketplace

Christmas is coming!

In November’s embrace, Christmas draws near, Craft Marketplace whispers, banishing shopping fear. Vendors seeking a stage, buyers with lists, In this festive haven, where joy exists. No membership fees, no…

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